Salman Mushtaq's Albums |
| Album Title | Pictures | Last Picture |
Pictures of Punjab University College of Information Technology
| 85 |
05-09-2012 02:07 PM |
| University
Pictures of university events, building etc .
| 100 |
01-08-2012 12:43 PM |
08-12-2011 09:06 PM |
| Miss World 1951..., so on | 71 |
07-11-2011 03:11 PM |
| My Causions | 27 |
29-10-2011 11:24 AM |
| Mix Pictures | 298 |
06-10-2011 04:48 PM |
| Animals And Plants
Contain images that provide information about animals and plants
| 30 |
21-07-2011 05:00 PM |
| Funny
Contain every type of funny picture
| 28 |
23-04-2011 07:54 PM |
| Salman Mushtaq | 29 |
04-10-2010 05:18 PM |
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