Hello.. Shmsa...
As you have posted that.
http://bzupages.com/f307/how-to-make...small-in-1333/ Quote:
Originally Posted by shmsa ary yar mujko ya btao k integration k signs or is tarhan k dosray signs kesy likhty han? |
So I try to taught you...
You can see the Integrations signs and all this sort of Signs are actually Symbols...
Or Characters.
Theek na...
There is a built in Program in Microsoft Windows Xp... Known as
Character Map
By this Applications We can Write any Symbol Or Character Easily....
To Open this Program Go Here:- Start >All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Character Map
- In the Font pull down of Windows Character Map select one of your installed fonts.
- The grid shows all the available characters in that selected font. Click on one to briefly (very briefly) see a slightly enlarged pop up of an individual character.
- Click on one of the characters and note the Keystroke information in the lower right corner of the Windows Character Map dialog box.
- You can use the Keystroke combination (ALT+a number) to type any character of the font in your word processor or page layout program.
- Click on a character then choose Select (or simply double-click) and it is copied to the Characters to copy window.
- You can copy several characters to the window of the Windows Character Map.
- When you have selected the character(s) you want choose Copy and those characters for that font will be placed on the clipboard.
- In your word processor or other program use the Windows Paste command to place those characters from the clipboard into your document.
Microsoft Office and special characters I do not want to venture very far into the jungle that is Microsoft Office but I will point out that several components of the various versions of Office have options for inserting symbols by using the menu entry Insert- Symbol. Whether you use these methods or the Character Map will depend on the circumstances.
Private characters Widows XP comes with an accessory that provides for creating your own characters to be used with the Character Map and that is private-character-editor