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XML DOM Tutorial
DOM Introduction
DOM Nodes
DOM Node Tree
DOM Parsing
DOM Load Function
DOM Methods
DOM Accessing
DOM Node Info
DOM Node List
DOM Traversing
DOM Browsers
DOM Navigating

Manipulate Nodes
DOM Get Values
DOM Change Nodes
DOM Remove Nodes
DOM Replace Nodes
DOM Create Nodes
DOM Add Nodes
DOM Clone Nodes
DOM HttpRequest

XML DOM Reference
DOM Node Types
DOM Node
DOM NodeList
DOM NamedNodeMap
DOM Document
DOM DocumentImpl
DOM DocumentType
DOM ProcessingInstr
DOM Element
DOM Attribute
DOM Text
DOM Comment
DOM HttpRequest
DOM ParseError Obj
DOM Parser Errors

DOM Summary

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DOM Validator

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XML DOM Clone Nodes

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The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Copy a node and append it to an existing node
This example uses cloneNode() to copy a node and append it to the root node of the XML document

Copy a Node

The cloneNode() method creates a copy of a specified node.

The cloneNode() method has a parameter (true or false). This parameter indicates if the cloned node should include all attributes and child nodes of the original node.

The following code fragment copies the first <book> node and appends it to the root node of the document:


//Output all titles
for (i=0;i<y.length;i++)
document.write("<br />");


Everyday Italian
Harry Potter
XQuery Kick Start
Learning XML
Everyday Italian

Example explained:

  1. Load "books.xml" into xmlDoc using loadXMLDoc()
  2. Get the node to copy
  3. Copy the node into "newNode" using the cloneNode method
  4. Append the new node to the the root node of the XML document
  5. Output all titles for all books in the document

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