Thermo Receptors:
These receptors actually sense the temperature conditions around us… and our Brain most probably take an action against them…
• While sitting in a room and using Air conditioner at 18 Celsius in winters will stimulate the thermo receptors of our body and our brain will take an action against it and we will either turn AC off or take a layer of clothing or will leave the room …
• In winter, we use gas heater to regulate the temperature, because thermo receptors of our body detect coldness outside…
• While Gas heater is heating the room and heats it upto an extent when we start feeling heatness around in the room we will turn the heater off…
• A cute fishy sleeping in shallow water during morning,… As sun rises and sunlight penetrates the water, fish will get up due to intensity of sunlight and temperature changes in water.
These Receptors actually feel the pain….
• You’re sitting in your room and your cute sweet kitten bites a little on your foot finger :p that pain is detected by nociceptors.
• While sitting in a class room during a lecture, your friend pulls your hair from your head, a pain is felt on your head that is just because nociceptors are present in your head skin.
• While sitting in a class room on a woody chair, you body might start feeling a pain :p
• You are trying to clean up your PC, and heave removed heat sinker and fan from above the CPU… someone near you turns the PC on while your are touching the CPU… you will feel pain due to extremely high temperature of CPU
Note: That pain is far more greater than the temperature changes to be detected by thermoreceptors. And is detected by noci receptors to take immediate action to let the hand keep safe from damaging.
Mechano Receptors:
These receptors are stimulated by mechanical pressure and distortion.
• While sitting in Class room and putting your cell phone on vibration, when someone calls you you will feel that someone is calling you and your cell phone vibrates, but teacher does not know that you have a call :p
• Someone touches you hand and that touch is actually sensed by mechano receptors.
• If you touch the sandpaper, you can easily tell that it is rough…