There are a number of different regulations that you may need to comply with, particularly if you store customer or supplier information, or sell goods or services online. In addition there are internal policies that you are recommended to implement if your staff make use of the internet or email.
If you store details about customers, suppliers or potential suppliers on your systems, you must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. See our guide on how to
comply with data protection legislation.
To comply with both regulations and good business practice you should include a variety of notices on your website. Typical examples include the terms and conditions under which your site operates, a privacy policy, any disclaimers that are appropriate, and a copyright and trade mark notice. For examples of what such notices should include see our guide on
sample internet policies and notices.
If your staff have access to email and the internet, then you should be aware of the associated concerns. These can range from excessive personal use through to potentially opening your business up to the risk of prosecution. Consider introducing policies that clearly state what is and isn't acceptable in terms of internet and email usage. See our guides on how to
introduce an internet and email policy and
sample internet policies and notices.