"Do you know who's the true Princess ? She has these qualities:
♥ Quran is her guide
♥ Mohammad (sallaAllahu alaihi wa sallam) is her lover
♥ Khadijah (RA) is her role model
♥ Jannah is her goal
♥ Shyness is her principal manner
♥ Her Iman is the secret of her purety
♥ Her Hijab is the crown of her chastity
♥ She is the one who stands to perform Salah the moment she hears Adhan
♥ She is the one who falls in love only with her husband
♥ She is the one who spends her night praying to her Lord
♥ She is the true Muslimah ♥ á Çöáóåó ÇöáøÇ Çááøåõ ãõÍóãóøÏñ ÑóÓõæõá Çááøå ♥