If & if I'v hurt YOU
( i wont say that I didn't ever do..
But always thought,To my this, you are used to..)
My 'I am Sorry' a million Galaxies could fill
as much as I wanna fill them do
You never worried me,
never lemme skip my beat
Why do you do this All the Time?
(Although Darling! Thats made You mine!)
You shouldnt lie to me now atleast
The pain You have must be really deep
'Tis still not Out of the Chest called Heart
Locked in its Secret pocket with my name as codeMark
That pain, till its out & Gone
Will give its calling all along
& You like the Musk Deer
will go running around
To reach that deep strong sad familiar sound
It has to be reached & heard & healed
Through me, You need that healing to come through
Gimme a chance babe
Gimme a moment true
Look Upto me for that eternal coming..!
You are ever So Caring Ever So Loving
Thats the thing thats kept me moving
I'm Alive coz You love me
The Day You gonna leave, I'm gonna kill Me
nothing in eternity'll change
I'll stay d same, forever d same, never to change
(Except for some Tears here & there that'll fall as rain)
U'll unite Me some Time later above
Although, like, ever, You'll again be Late, my Love
There's no proof but if you remember
You are my Twin Soul thats to entwine mine Sooner or Later
We ARE the same that met to separate to meet again
So in evry life, hence, We'll be doing the same.
It has to go on till We unite to merge forever
Absolving the Sins that sent Angels to Earth to suffer
Now is the calling from Heaven coming
Now is the Time for eternal mingling!!
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