ASP Content Linking Component

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The Content Linking Component
This example builds a table of contents.

The Content Linking Component 2
The example uses the Content Linking Component to navigate between the pages in a text file.

ASP Content Linking Component

The ASP Content Linking component is used to create a quick and easy navigation system!

The Content Linking component returns a Nextlink object that is used to hold a list of Web pages to be navigated.


Set nl=Server.CreateObject( "MSWC.NextLink" )

First we create a text file - "links.txt". This file contains the pages to be navigated. The pages must be listed in the same order you want them to be displayed, and it also must contain a description for each file name (use the tab key to separate file name from description). Note: If you want to add a page to the list or change the order of the pages in the list; all you have to do is to modify the text file! The navigation will automatically be correct!


asp_intro.asp ASP Intro
asp_syntax.asp ASP Syntax
asp_variables.asp ASP Variables
asp_procedures.asp ASP Procedures

On each of the pages listed above, put one line of code: <!-- #include file=""-->. This line will include the code below on every page listed in "links.txt" and the navigation will work.


'Use the Content Linking Component 
'to navigate between the pages listed
'in links.txt
dim nl
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
if (nl.GetListIndex("links.txt")>1) then
  Response.Write("<a href='" & nl.GetPreviousURL("links.txt"))
  Response.Write("'>Previous Page</a>")
end if
Response.Write("<a href='" & nl.GetNextURL("links.txt"))
Response.Write("'>Next Page</a>")

The ASP Content Linking Component's methods are described below:


Method Description Example
GetListCount Returns the number of items listed in the Content Linking List file <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("There are ")
Response.Write(" items in the list")


There are 4 items in the list

GetListIndex Returns the index number of the current item in the Content Linking List file. The index number of the first item is 1. 0 is returned if the current page is not in the Content Linking List file <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("Item number ")


Item number 3

GetNextDescription Returns the text description of the next item listed in the Content Linking List file. If the current page is not found in the list file it returns the text description of the last page on the list <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("Next ")
Response.Write("description is: ")

Next description is: ASP Variables

GetNextURL Returns the URL of the next item listed in the Content Linking List file. If the current page is not found in the list file it returns the URL of the last page on the list <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("Next ")
Response.Write("URL is: ")

Next URL is: asp_variables.asp

GetNthDescription Returns the description of the Nth page listed in the Content Linking List file <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("Third ")
Response.Write("description is: ")

Third description is: ASP Variables

GetNthURL Returns the URL of the Nth page listed in the Content Linking List file <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("Third ")
Response.Write("URL is: ")

Third URL is: asp_variables.asp

GetPreviousDescription Returns the text description of the previous item listed in the Content Linking List file. If the current page is not found in the list file it returns the text description of the first page on the list <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("Previous ")
Response.Write("description is: ")

Previous description is: ASP Variables

GetPreviousURL Returns the URL of the previous item listed in the Content Linking List file. If the current page is not found in the list file it returns the URL of the first page on the list <%
dim nl,c
Set nl=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.NextLink")
Response.Write("Previous ")
Response.Write("URL is: ")

Previous URL is: asp_variables.asp

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