HTML <table> tag


A simple HTML table, containing two columns and two rows:

<table border="1">

Try it yourself!  (more examples at the bottom of this page)

Definition and Usage

The <table> tag defines an HTML table.

A simple HTML table consists of the table element and one or more tr, th, and td elements.

The tr element defines a table row, the th element defines a table header, and the td element defines a table cell.

A more complex HTML table may also include caption, col, colgroup, thead, tfoot, and tbody elements.

Browser Support

Internet Explorer Firefox Opera Google Chrome Safari

The <table> tag is supported in all major browsers.

Differences Between HTML and XHTML

The "align" and "bgcolor" attributes of the table element were deprecated in HTML 4.01, and are not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.

Optional Attributes

DTD indicates in which DTD the attribute is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional, and F=Frameset.

Attribute Value Description DTD
align left
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies the alignment of a table according to surrounding text
bgcolor rgb(x,x,x)
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Specifies the background color for a table
border pixels Specifies the width of the borders around a table STF
cellpadding pixels Specifies the space between the cell wall and the cell content STF
cellspacing pixels Specifies the space between cells STF
frame void
Specifies which parts of the outside borders that should be visible STF
rules none
Specifies which parts of the inside borders that should be visible STF
summary text Specifies a summary of the content of a table STF
width pixels
Specifies the width of a table STF

Standard Attributes

id, class, title, style, dir, lang, xml:lang

For a full description, go to Standard Attributes.

Event Attributes

onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout, onkeypress, onkeydown, onkeyup

For a full description, go to Event Attributes.

Try-It-Yourself Demos

How to create simple HTML tables.

Table borders
HTML tables with different borders.

Table headers
How to create table headers.

Empty cells
How to use "&nbsp;" to handle cells that have no content.

Table with a caption
An HTML table with a caption.

Table cells that span more than one row/column
How to define table cells that span more than one row or one column.

Tags inside a table
How to display elements inside other elements.

Cell padding
How to use cellpadding to create more white space between the cell content and its borders.

Cell spacing
How to use cellspacing to increase the distance between the cells.

Add a background color or a background image to a table
How to add a background to a table.

The frame attribute
How to use the "frame" attribute to control the borders around the table.

The frame and border attributes
How to use the "frame" and "border" attributes to control the borders around the table.