HTML DOM Image Object

Image Object

The Image object represents an embedded image.

For each instance of an <img> tag in an HTML document, an Image object is created.

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, O: Opera, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard).

Image Object Properties

Property Description IE F O W3C
align Sets or returns how to align an image according to the surrounding text 5 1 9 Yes
alt Sets or returns an alternate text to be displayed, if a browser cannot show an image 5 1 9 Yes
border Sets or returns the border around an image 4 1 9 Yes
complete Returns whether or not the browser has finished loading the image 4 1 9 No
height Sets or returns the height of an image 4 1 9 Yes
hspace Sets or returns the white space on the left and right side of the image 4 1 9 Yes
id Sets or returns the id of the image 4 1 9 Yes
isMap Returns whether or not an image is a server-side image map 5 1 9 Yes
longDesc Sets or returns a URL to a document containing a description of the image 6 1 9 Yes
lowsrc Sets or returns a URL to a low-resolution version of an image 4 1 9 No
name Sets or returns the name of an image 4 1 9 Yes
src Sets or returns the URL of an image 4 1 9 Yes
useMap Sets or returns the value of the usemap attribute of an client-side image map 5 1 9 Yes
vspace Sets or returns the white space on the top and bottom of the image 4 1 9 Yes
width Sets or returns the width of an image 4 1 9 Yes

Standard Properties

Property Description IE  F O W3C
className Sets or returns the class attribute of an element 5 1 9 Yes
title Sets or returns an element's advisory title 5 1 9 Yes