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DOM Intro
DOM Nodes
DOM Node Tree
DOM Methods
DOM Node Access
DOM Node Info
DOM How To
DOM Events
DOM Reference
DOM Summary

DOM Examples
DOM Examples

DOM Objects
DOM Window
DOM Navigator
DOM Screen
DOM History
DOM Location

DOM Document

DOM Anchor
DOM Area
DOM Base
DOM Body
DOM Button
DOM Event
DOM Form
DOM Frame
DOM Frameset
DOM IFrame
DOM Image
DOM Input Button
DOM Input Checkbox
DOM Input File
DOM Input Hidden
DOM Input Password
DOM Input Radio
DOM Input Reset
DOM Input Submit
DOM Input Text
DOM Link
DOM Meta
DOM Object
DOM Option
DOM Select
DOM Style
DOM Table
DOM TableCell
DOM TableRow
DOM Textarea

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HTML DOM Examples

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Anchor Object

Change text, URL, and target attribute of a link
Using focus() and blur()
Add an accessKey to a link

Document Object

Write text to the output
Write text with formatting to the output
Return the title of a document
Return the URL of a document
Return the referrer of a document
Return the domain name of the document's server
Use getElementById()
Use getElementsByName()
Open a new document, specify MIME type and add some text
Return the number of anchors in a document
Return the innerHTML of the first anchor in a document
Count the number of forms in a document
Access an item in a collection
Count the number of images in a document

Event Object

Which mouse button was clicked?
What are the coordinates of the cursor?
What is the unicode of the key pressed?
What are the coordinates of the cursor, relative to the screen?
What are the coordinates of the cursor?
Was the shift key pressed?
Which element was clicked?
Which eventype occured?

Form and Form Input Objects

View and change the action URL of a form
View the method that is to be used when sending form data
Alert id, type, and value of a Button object + disable button
Check and uncheck a checkbox
Checkboxes in a form
Checkbox - If the user clicks in a checkbox, the content of the text fields are converted to uppercase.
Radio buttons
Reset a form
Submit a form
Form validation
Set focus to an input field when the page loads
Select the content of an input field
Dropdown list in a form
Another dropdown list
A dropdown menu
Jump to the next field when the current field's maxlength has been reached
Add accessKeys to form fields

Frame, Frameset, and IFrame Objects

Resizable and not resizable frames
Frames with and without scrollbars
Change the source / URL of two frames
Break out of a frame
Update two iframes

Image Object

Change the height and width of an image
Change the src of an image

Location Object

Send the client to a new location / URL
Reload a page
Break out of a frame
Anchors array - This example opens two windows. The first window contains four buttons and the second window defines four anchors from 0 to 3. When a button is clicked in the first window, the onclick event handler goes to the specified anchor in the second window.

Navigator Object

Detect the visitor's browser and browser version
More details about the visitor's browser
All details about the visitor's browser
Alert user, depending on browser

Option and Select Objects

Disable and enable a dropdown list
Get the id of the form that contains the dropdown list
Get the number of options in the dropdown list
Turn the dropdown list into a multiline list
Select multiple options in a dropdown list
Alert the selected option in a dropdown list
Alert the index of the selected option in a dropdown list
Change the text of the selected option
Remove options from a dropdown list

Screen Object

Detect details about the client's screen

Table, TableHeader, TableRow, TableData Objects

Change the width of a table border
Change the cellPadding and cellSpacing of a table
Specify frames of a table
Specify rules for a table
InnerHTML of a row
InnerHTML of a cell
Create a caption for a table
Delete rows in a table
Add rows to a table
Add cells to a table row
Align the cell content in a table row
Vertical align the cell content in a table row
Align the cell content in a single cell
Vertical align the cell content in a single cell
Change the content of a table cell
Change the colspan of a table row

Window Object

Display an alert box
Alert box with line-breaks
Display a confirm box
Display a prompt box
Open a new window when clicking on a button
Open a new window and control its appearance
Open multiple windows with one click
Send the client to a new location / URL
Reload a page
Write some text in the windows status bar
Print a page
Break out of a frame
Resize a window
Resize a window to a specified size
Scroll the window
Scroll the window to a specified position
Simple timing
Another simple timing
Timing event in an infinite loop
Timing event in an infinite loop - with a Stop button
A clock created with a timing event
Create a pop-up

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