XML DOM - The NodeList Object

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The NodeList object represents an ordered list of nodes.

The NodeList object

The nodes in the NodeList can be accessed through their index number (starting from 0).

The NodeList keeps itself up-to-date. If an element is deleted or added, in the node list or the XML document, the list is automatically updated.

Note: In a node list, the nodes are returned in the order in which they are specified in the XML.

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, O: Opera, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard)

NodeList Object Properties

Property Description IE F O W3C
length Returns the number of nodes in a node list 5 1 9 Yes

NodeList Object Methods

Method Description IE F O W3C
item() Returns the node at the specified index in a node list 5 1 9 Yes

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