XML DOM Examples

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XML DOM Parsing

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.

Load and parse an XML file
Load and parse an XML string

Examples explained

XML DOM Properties and Methods

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.
A function, loadXMLString(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML string.

Load and parse an XML file - External parsing script
Load and parse an XML string - External parsing script

Examples explained

XML DOM Accessing Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Access a node using its index number in a node list
Loop through nodes using the length property
See the node type of an element
Loop through element nodes
Loop through element nodes using node relationships

Examples explained

XML DOM Node Information

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Get the node name of an element node
Get the text from a text node
Change the text in a text node
Get the node name and type of an element node

Examples explained

XML DOM Node List and Attribute List

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Get the text from the first <title> element
Loop through nodes using the length property
Get the attribute of an element

Examples explained

XML DOM Traversing Node Tree

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLString(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML string.

Traverse a node tree

Examples explained

XML DOM Browser Differences

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Display the length of a node list - Different results in IE and other browsers
Ignore empty text between nodes

Examples explained

XML DOM Navigating Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Get the parent of a node
Get the first child element of a node
Get the last child element of a node
Get the next sibling element of a node 
Get the previous sibling element of a node

Examples explained

XML DOM Get Node Values

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Get an element's text value
Get an attribute's text value

Examples explained

XML DOM Change Node Values

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Change an elements text node
Change an attributes value using setAttribute
Change an attributes value using nodeValue

Examples explained

XML DOM Remove Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Remove an element node
Remove the current element node
Remove a text node
Clear the text of a text node
Remove an attribute by name
Remove attributes by object

Examples explained

XML DOM Replace Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Replace an element node
Replace data in a text node

Examples explained

XML DOM Create Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Create an element node
Create an attribute node using createAttribute
Create an attribute node using setAttribute
Create a text node
Create a CDATA section node
Create a comment node

Examples explained

XML DOM Add Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Add a node after the last child node
Add a node before a specified child node
Add a new attribute
Add data to a text node

Examples explained

XML DOM Clone Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

Copy a node and append it to an existing node

Examples explained

XML DOM Clone Nodes

The examples below use the XML file books.xml.
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.

XML HTTP communication with a server while typing input
Load a textfile into a div element with XML HTTP
Make a HEAD request with XML HTTP
Make a specified HEAD request with XML HTTP
List data from an XML file with XML HTTP

Examples explained

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