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Conversation Between uzma and BSIT07-01
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. BSIT07-01
    31-03-2010 07:41 PM
    happy birthday
  2. uzma
    04-06-2009 11:18 AM
    thanks 4 joining group
  3. uzma
    04-06-2009 11:13 AM
    achjay bchay hmesha apnay nails cut krtay hain
  4. BSIT07-01
    03-06-2009 09:39 PM
    Yes, I'll try to follow this, agar mujhay yaad raha...
    But the fact is that I don't Cut nails for months, because I can't remember to cut them off...
    Iss time tu beecharay chhotay chhotay hi hain... Zara baray ho jain phir katoon ga :D
  5. uzma
    03-06-2009 10:24 AM
    Thanks 4 reading & hope so u will do it
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