View Full Version : Object Oriented Programming

  1. A Program to find a greater digit in a four digit number.
  2. A Program to find number in an array
  3. A Program that prints square pattern stars in the output.
  4. A Program that makes a Diamond Pattern Stars in the output.
  5. Program to enter three integers and output the smallest integer using IF
  6. Program to find the sum of either of the diagonals of a 4 x 4 matrix
  7. Program to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
  8. Program to enter a character and output its ASCII code
  9. Program to enter a letter and output the next 2 letters
  10. Program to find the total days in the year till date
  11. Program to convert days into years and weeks
  12. Program to count the number of words and characters in a sentence
  13. Program to enter an integer and output its 15 multiples
  14. Program to enter three integers and output the biggest integer using IF
  15. Program to enter three integers and output the biggest integer
  16. Program to enter an integer and find out if it is even or odd
  17. Program to enter an integer and print out its successor
  18. Program to enter an integer and output the cube of that integer
  19. Program to enter an integer and print if it is prime or composite
  20. Program to switch between different cases
  21. Program to enter an integer and print if it is greater or less than 100
  22. Program to enter your age and print if you should be in grade 10
  23. Program to enter velocity, acceleration and time and print final velocity
  24. Program to enter two integers and find their sum and average
  25. Program to find the sum, difference, product and quotient of two integers
  26. Program to output an integer, a floating point number and a character